A Question

2009-11-29 7:28 pm
Form 6 Chemistry

1.Explain the result clearly.

The melting point of NaCl (808 degree Cel) > MgCl2 (714 degree Cel) > AlCl3 (180 degree Cel)

回答 (1)

2009-11-30 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The fact mp of NaCl >mp of MgCl >mp Of AlCl3 is clear match with the ionic force between each element . The ionic force of NaCl >MgCl2>AlCl3 . Also this is due to the single valance of sodium one to one attraction to chloride , but magesium to 2 chlorides & aluminium to 3 chlorides . From this the attraction is going down . When you melt NaCl you need to supply more energy to pull sodium & chlorine apart but less for magesium chloride , similarly for aluminium chloride .

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