about world war II------Hitler?

2009-11-28 5:02 pm
i have some question about hitler
1.Why did people want to join hitler?
2.How did Hitler convince people to follow him?
3.How would you describe Hitler's personality? What made him a good leader?

回答 (6)

2009-11-28 5:09 pm
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1)People were angry at the government for getting into caving in to the British demands that Germany disarm, put together a weak democracy, and give up most of their land after world war one. Germnany was in a depression and Hitler seemed to offer a way out by blaming all of their problems on the Jews and the allies. He said what the people wanted to hear
2)Hitler put together radical reforms and used his personality to attract people. He stood up for a popular cause- worker's rights- and the poor people liked that. In a way, many of his earliest policies were very similar to Barack Obama's.
3) Hitler was very charasmatic and able to manipulate people very well.
2016-11-14 10:54 am
Justin. could you please slender your question? What you're asking is a lot too complicated to respond to if one became initially Hitler in WW1 and then communicate Hitler as chief of Germany and then Warrior. useful books so which you could study quicker or later on your learn. The Nightmare Years 1930-1940 by William L Shirer The Berlin Diaries by William L Shire the upward push and Fall of the 0.33 Reich by William L Shirer the upward push and Fall of Adolph Hitler by William L Shirer Shirer became an American reporter based in Berlin from 1934 to 1940. interior the 0.33 Reich by Albert Spear to get a German attitude. Adolph Hitler by John Toland because it is an truly complete summation on the character and guy or woman of Hitler.
2009-11-28 5:15 pm
He brought Germany out of recession and helped the ordinary working person improve their lot.Various employment laws gave workers a great deal of security in work.He ordered the building of the peoples car-Volkswagen.A small affordable car for the workers.The very nature of German people, that they think they are better than others ( which still exists today) was easy prey for Hitlers rhetoric and propaganda.Hitlers domestic success went to his head and led to his disastrous foreign policy with it's universal tragic circumstances
2009-11-28 5:15 pm
1 and 2 mixed ......you see, germany and its people were humiliated in world war 1. hitler promised to lead them to greatness.also he advocated to supremacy of the aryan race

3. Hitlers had a dynamic personality....he was a great orator,another reason people followed him.Also he was decisive and quick to eliminate opponents. he effectively destroyed, both democracy and communism and never any other political party thrive under his command. He was also brutal in his tactics
2009-11-28 5:12 pm
People joined Hitler because Germany was effectively destroyed after WWI. The US and GB, and a few others, made Germany pay reparations for starting the war. This crippled Germany economically. Germany was in such bad shape that when a leader came in preaching of redemption and a Germany that was big and powerful again people were excited. Hitler played to the fact that the German people were down on their luck. He told them, like any good politician, that if he was elected that he would bring Germany back to a time of prosperity. No one could ever really see what he really had planned. After a while people had no choice but to join Hitler. After he started invading countries it was you either join Hitler or you might be killed. Eventually people were not given a choice.

I can not really say about Hitler's personality but as a leader he was smart. He was no smarter than any other leader in that he simply said what the people wanted to hear. He was obviously a very strong leader, being a dictator after all (totalitarian technically), but basically he was very loud and outspoken and that made him a strong leader.
2009-11-28 5:08 pm
1.He was leader of the germans
2.He had the strongest army in Europe and Asia(USA and CANADA RULE)
3.He was a gangster, he lived with his brother and a pet fish And because they though he had the right idea.

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