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Student Learning Profile
學生學習概覽 / 歷程檔案
Suggested Contents 建議內容
Student Particulars 學生個人資料
Academic Achievements 學業成就
Academic performance in school (school reports) 校內成績表
Academic awards granted by external bodies 校外成績
Results of public examinations (e.g. HKDSE, ITELS, etc.) 公開試成績 (如:香港中學文憑)
Essential Learning Experiences 基要學習經歷
Moral & Civic Education 德育及公民教育 (e.g. religious activities 宗教活動)
Physical Development 體育發展 (e.g. swimming, ball games, etc. 游泳, 球類活動等)
Aesthetic Development 藝術發展 (e.g. music, visual arts, drama, etc. 音樂,美術,話劇等)
Career-related Experiences 與工作有關的經驗 (e.g. internship 實習)
Community Services 社會服務 (e.g. voluntary services 義工服務)
Awards / Achievements in / outside school 校內或校外的主要獎項
Scholarships 獎學金
Awards in other aspects 其他獎項
(e.g. Speech Festival, Debate Competition, etc. 朗誦節,辨論比賽等)
Training Courses & Co-curricular Activities 訓練及課外活動
Attendance Certificates of training courses 訓練班聽講証書
Records of co-curriculum activities 課外活動記錄
(e.g. Types of activities & No. of hours involved 活動項目及時數)
Student’s self account / self reflections 學生自述 / 反思
Masterpieces / Outstanding assignments 卓越作品/功課