What is the sense in being a TOP CONTRIBUTOR Dah! Daaa! if all your past work is secret and you cannot be contacted? Rather inane to me.
Up to 14 lbs in mine, a 700 Watt unit. My 1,000 Watt unit can take a 16lb bird. in the 700: 6 min/lb on high breast side down in cooking bag; then flip and cook 4-6 min/lb on med high(roast). Brown off in broiler about 10 minutes. Juiciest you have ever eaten- Guaranteed! Silly is the prison you live in when you run your life by pre-conceived ideas and the concept of contempt prior to investigation. I do not recognize Silly as a descriptive word for my cooking methods.
I never stuff a turkey due to health considerations; i.e. the danger of bacteria buildup.