
2009-11-28 1:16 am
做功課 快快快! 唔該

回答 (5)

2009-11-28 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can say:

Being able to clearly express his/her ideas flawless oral techniqe Language easily understood familiar with speakingoratorical (adj.)
# used to describe someone who has a skill of making powerful speeches and effective public speaking
# given to oratory
# able to express your ideas and opinions well, especially in a way that influences people
# knowing a lot about something
given to = addicted or disposed 熱衷、沈溺於...的
E.g He is given to drinking.
fluent (adj)
# able to speak a language very well

struggling to express thoughts and opinions be stringent to the point that begin to struggle voicing his/her opinion blurt out thoughts in a fumbling, jumbling mess novice at speaking

2009-12-06 21:13:38 補充:

gift of the gab 係口才的意思:the ability to speak easily and to persuade other people with your words

He has a real gift of the gab and is great at parties.
參考: smile
2009-11-28 7:24 am


口才好並不一定是雄辯(eloquence)了得,或good at speech說得咁直。

She is very articulate for her age.

她小小年紀已經口齒伶俐。(英文有些用語是implied的,全句都沒有用speech/word/talk等字,另for his/her age已意會她年齡跟她口才不相稱,讀的人是意會通常慣指一個年紀小的人說話的質素比真實年齡大。)
2009-12-07 1:30 am
fluent english :)
that is absolutely accurate, cause my teacher told me before , hope that i can help you
2009-11-28 2:15 am
good at speech
2009-11-28 1:22 am
It is Eloquence is terrible .
參考: 自己

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