
2009-11-28 12:21 am
如要給一些曾經犯案而坐牢的青少年, 在他們從返社會之前進行輔導, 可運用那些輔導技巧或技術, 在輔導過程可給予他們那些意見, 指引, 和目標???

回答 (2)

2009-12-04 6:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you can just use motivational techniques...

set goals for them, PERSONAL GOALS depends on WHAT THEY NEED... having regular interviews and review with them... answer their questions and provide them with social support will do ....

2009-12-04 10:15:07 補充:
you can try to use theory of reasoned action (tra), theory of planned behaviour (tpb)
你可以試下上網search 下 tra同埋 tpb
呢2個理論都係講點樣可以另人改變佢地gei行為 (behaviour)
參考: ME
2009-12-06 12:44 am

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