
2009-11-27 3:53 am
Perhaps by heeding the wisdom of senior citizens we can "Build on the previous generations by avoiding the same traps."



所以heeding和avoiding因為放在前置詞後面,所以是動名詞... 而且不用管他是甚麼時式..........是這樣吧??

回答 (5)

2009-11-27 4:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
When there is a preposition like " by" and "in" after a noun or a verb, it is
neccessary to change the following action into a noun.

For example,

The government should promote Chinese opera by setting up a
platform on the Internet to collect ideas.

This pattern is called "gerund ". If translate it into Chinese, we call
it " 動名詞".

# ps: In the above case that you asked, " avoiding " and " heeding " are nouns.
They are not gerunds.

2009-11-26 20:15:45 補充:
If we take away " by", they ( heeding and avoiding) are nouns equally because a subject
is placed in the second part of your sentence.

Remember that whether the " ing" form is present continuous tense or gerund depends largely on the preposition.
參考: my knowledge
2009-12-02 6:20 pm
1 係.除咗to,所有前置詞後面嘅動詞,都要+ing,變動名詞,heeding, avoiding.to要睇情況,look forward to /get used to /accustomed to就要+ing,其他大部份都唔使.
If xx were xxx, would have 過去分詞
2009-11-27 7:22 am


2009-11-27 4:21 am
the verb after by must be a noun.
since the verb+ing is gerund which is noun, not verb.
in most cases, the verb after preposition must be a noun.
eg, in , on, by , with, for, from............etc.they are prepositions

eg He depends on selling books for living
eg we can turn off the tv by pressing the power switch.(if use press, there will be 2 verbs,turn and press. it is not correct since one sentence only allows 1 verb)
eg She is interested in reading love story.
參考: by myself
2009-11-27 4:03 am
Remember this! -ing means that the form of the word is present continuous tense, not because by is following after the word.

2009-11-26 20:03:40 補充:
Remember this! -ing means that the form of the word is present continuous tense, not because by is following after the word.

2009-11-26 20:03:54 補充:
Remember this! -ing means that the form of the word is present continuous tense, not because by is following after the word.

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