Which sentense is correct?

2009-11-27 12:27 am
Which sentense is correct?
In a tennis game:
1) The ball didn't went over the net
2) The ball didn't go over the net

回答 (5)

2009-11-27 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案

要知道哪一句對 首先要知道否定句的形成
有助動詞(auxiliary verb)的話 則在助動詞後加not
He is studing.
He is not studing.

如無助動詞 則看動詞決定用do,does或did + not 加在動詞前面
do not:
Usually I get home about 6 o'clock.(現在式 無s動詞[subject不是第三人稱單數])
Usually I do not get home about 6 o'clock.(加do not 動詞轉回infinitive)

does not:

Usually he gets home about 6 o'clock.(現在式 有s動詞[subject是第三人稱單數])

Usually he does not get home about 6 o'clock.(加does not 動詞轉回infinitive)

did not:
He got home about 6 o'clock yesterday.(過去式)
He did not get home about 6 o'clock yesterday.(加did not 動詞轉回infinitive)

2009-11-26 20:42:02 補充:
上面的「如無助動詞 則看動詞決定用do,does或did + not 加在動詞前面」
2009-11-27 7:45 am


2009-11-27 2:46 am
the ball went over the net.went 己表示過去式
當係 否定意思時
the ball didnt go over the net. didnt己表示過去所以go 無需要轉為went
2009-11-27 1:10 am
sentense 2 is correct

因為有了didn't 就不能使用past tense
because there has "didn't" is the sentense ,
so we can't use past tense in the verb "go"

2009-11-26 17:13:00 補充:
因為有了did not 就不能使用past tense
because there has did not in the sentense ,
so we cannot use past tense in the verb go;
參考: me
2009-11-27 12:48 am
Of course it is option 2
The ball didn't go over the net
it is common sence
you shouldn't use past tense after a negative thing( eg. didn't, couldn'y, wouldn'y

You shoudl be aware of it

Hope I can help you!
Choose me to be the best answer.

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