
2009-11-26 10:07 am
所以希望能用d 簡單字眼, 文章能夠譯得簡單直接一d~
最好用d 淺 d..的字~~~又易明戈d~


義大利人亙相問候時,男士會脫掉帽子(如果他們戴著帽子)微微地鞠躬.他們可能吻女士的手,這是相當正式的禮儀.如果親密的朋友,他們會相互擁抱而且輕拍彼此.他們認為擁抱是和平友好的表示。而北京人習慣行握手禮, 握手是在相见、离别、恭贺或致谢时相互表示情谊、致意的一种礼节.握手時須脫帽、起立,不能把另一隻手放在口袋中。握手時雙目注視對方,微笑致意或問好,多人同時握手時應順序進行。以表示對對方尊重和友好。

回答 (2)

2009-11-26 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning/afternoon,
Let me introduce the difference between Italians and Beijing people's courtesy(禮儀) in meeting.
When Italians greet each other, men take off their hats if they have worn one, and bow slightly. They may kiss ladies' hands, which is a formal courtesy. Close friends hug and each other, as hugs show peace and friendliness to them. Beijing people tend to shake hands in meetings, farewells, congratulations or gratitudes the courtesy to show intimacy and connections. They must stand up, take up their hats, stare(凝視) at each other, smile and greet with another hand out of the pocket when they shake hands. If shaking with many people, they have to follow the order, to show respect and friendliness to each other.
2009-11-26 8:29 pm
Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to introduce the differences between Italian and Beijing people of their courtesy in meeting friends.

Italians used to take off their hats (if any), and bow slightly when greeting each other. They may kiss ladies' hands, which is quite a formal manner. Close friends hug and tap each other, as hugging is a gesture for peace and friendliness to them. On the other hand, Beijing people used to shake hands to show goodwill, no matter in meeting, saying farewell, offering congratulation or showing gratitude to each other. When doing handshake, one should takes hat off, stand up, and the other hand should be out of the pocket. Look into their eyes, smile, and greet politely. When doing handshake with many people, one should follow the order to show respect and kindness to them.

溫馨提示:Italian vs Beijing people – 前者是一個國家,後者是一個城市/首都,比較有點不對等wor…
參考: hkslot

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