
2009-11-26 9:23 am
所以希望用d 字眼(文章)能夠譯得簡單直接一d~
最好用d 淺 d..又易明戈d~

意大利人對自己的國家及家庭也感到十分的自豪,在商務談判中,他們交談的話題一般有足球、家庭事務、公司事務以及當地新聞等,特別會避開談論政治. 他們認為政治關乎到生活每一方面,且人人有不同看法,更沒有標準答案。故此,讓政見不同的人作深入討論,往往只會演變成面紅耳赤的激辯。都會小心選擇話題,特別會避開談論政治,以免破壞氣氛的。另一方面,北京是中國的首都,是全國政治、經濟、文化的中心,所以北京商人的商業活動中都喜歡談到一些政策的問題。在北京這樣一個崇尚政治的背景下,北京商人養成了一種主背景、重身份的經商傳統。北京人對政治的關心是世界聞名的。所以北京商人人在談生意的時候都喜歡談論有關政治的話題。

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2009-11-27 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to elaborate the major concerns when we have business talks with Italian and Beijing people.

Italians used to be proud of their mother country and own families. So when having business talks, they often discuss on topics like soccer, family affairs, company affairs and local news, but avoid political issues in particular. They think that while politics relate to all aspects of living, everyone has their own point of view without a standard. Therefore, discussion between people having different political viewpoints will turn into a vigorous debate. So they choose topics cautiously, politics is hardly touched on for the sake of good atmosphere. On the other hand, Beijing, being the capital of China, is the political, economic and cultural hub of the nation. So that Beijing businessmen are more willing to talk about political affairs. With such political-driven environment, they used to concern the background and status of the people they are dealing with. Beijing businessmen are renowned of their political awareness, and that’s the reason why they are more likely to touch on politics while having business talks.
參考: hkslot

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