
2009-11-26 8:09 am
我想知simple past同peresent perfect tense有咩分別,請盡量說明得具體一點

回答 (3)

2009-11-26 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案

SIMPLE PAST (一定有mention 一個特定既時間!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- regular verbs 多數會加 -d / -ed as a bare infinitive to form the past tense

- 其次用past tense 既時候, 你一定要make sure左個action 已經做完
(and you are just using past simple to talk about completed action IN THE PAST)

for example:
Sally MARRIED Tom on 15 July 2007 and they HAD their first child, Mary, in April 2009.

PRESENT PERFECT (冇specified time)
- 佢個verb formation 係have/has + past participle

- 用present perfect既時候多數係link住一個''過去''果陣已經做緊既野...到左而家都係仲做緊.但係"冇"mention 過時間既字眼!!!!! (like "yesterday", "at 6am" 等等..)

- for example :
i have spoken to her yesterday!
呢個係一個wrong 既example, 因為我都講過有時間提及----> past tense!!!!!!!!!!!!
therefore,上面呢句用simple past就ok la :) (i spoke to her yesterday)

- 仲有present perfect tense 既時候,好多時我地可以加一個'just' 字去形容剛剛完成既action!! 但係...切記 用左just--> present perfect---> 唔好加有時間meaning既字係句句子到!!!!

example: she has just left

仲有been 同gone 要分得好清楚!!
especially 係"has been" 同 " has gone"

for example:
- he has gone to a meeting in London. (即係佢still at the meeting,去左未返)
- he has been to a meeting in Singapore (即係佢去完返左黎la)

希望help 到你
2009-11-26 9:52 am
Present Perfect

簡易記法:過去 + 現在

用於以下 3 種情況:

1 剛發生的事情 (仍屬現在中的過去):
He has just left. Should I call him back?

2 已發生了但仍影響到現在的事情:
I have broken my leg. Can you help me to get up?

若事情對現在已無影響,則應用 Simple Past.
I broke my leg last month, but I feel perfectly OK now.

3 從過去到現在共發生了多少次:
I have seen him here many times.
He has loved only one woman throughout his life.
She has never danced on the stage.

Simple Past

簡易記法:過去 / 那次 / 時間。


He visited Hong Kong last December.

全部 12 種 Tenses 的簡易記法:



2009-11-28 19:03:35 補充:
有意公審批鬥 Carl Tang 者,請移玉步:


2009-11-26 8:20 am
past tense 過去式, 如 I did my homework yesterday(我昨天做左功課),昨天發生的事, 已過去了

peresent perfect tense現在完成式, 是某件事由過去做到現在, 可能是剛完成或還在做, 如 i have done my homework(我做完功課),不知道何時做的, 可能是昨天又可能是剛做完。
參考: myself

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