
2009-11-26 7:50 am
下年想申請愛爾蘭工作假期visa. 但條件1是要有一份365天的保險.
但很多旅遊保險只包180天. 請問那裡何找到一份全年的保險係for 愛爾蘭??
真是冇從入手!! 請幫忙告知...

回覆:003 HI Yee Shan, 多謝你的回覆. 我出左黎做野4年, 想親E+事業未成時快D出去玩下^^ 至於點解要choose愛爾蘭. 係因為我想學好英文(應比澳洲及紐西蘭好??), 而且好少旅行書介紹. 想去探索一下. 係呢你在參考資料說你在愛爾蘭? 你覺得如何?? 另外, 可否告知你買邊間保險及PLAN作參考?

回答 (3)

2009-11-27 12:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
另記住由今年開始,每年2月尾開始接受申請,要email book日子交表,佢會覆你邊日來.100個quota,佢發到張whv紙畀你三個月內要起行,所以都唔太算得有得揀幾時出發.for 今年 as example, 現在聽聞去到80幾號.

2009-12-05 05:13:36 補充:
Hey, i just checked that u added some more question.
Since i would like to travel in EU courtries and i had similar thinking as u that there was least mention on Ireland, I opted for this place. For insurance, i bought BUxA cheapest one. The reason was mentioned before.


2009-12-05 05:15:37 補充:
It is really that Irish only speaks English. But they have quite strong Irish accent. And i don't know how it will be in Australia and New Zealand. So i can't give any comments, just can give u reference.


2009-12-05 05:20:19 補充:
Ireland here is green. If u like nature and prefer getting out from busy HK, this is a good place. U can get more open space and fresh air. People here like music and are humous/ nice/ helpful. However, here is quite cold, rain more and has stronger windy than that in HK. ...

2009-12-05 05:21:44 補充:
Eg. 1x-2x degree C in HK but 0-1x here, And Rain is so sudden that u can't forecast well. Maybe this moment is sunny and it becomes rainy 1min later; when u are in the bus, it rains on left-hand view while sunshine comes on right-hand veiw, ...

2009-12-05 05:22:33 補充:
For wind, it seems that no matter summer or even winter now, it's windy. it is often like T1 in HK and sometimes strong as T3. So wind+rain made me feeling cold even in summer. Together with cold now, i am freezing.


2009-12-05 05:24:48 補充:
If for WHV, we usually stay in the capital, Dublin. Many stay in city centre; even few are not, it's small that we gather there. We all help each other, If u look for a gathering/ support, this is better than that in Aus/ NZ. Because they are so big that many of them separate into diff regions. ...

2009-12-05 05:25:44 補充:
But when u hunt house, hunt job, start work and join loca lactivities, if u are active, u can get some many fd fro mdiff countries. That's my case. Btw, the economic situation is not very good all over the world, it is the same as that in Dublin here. ...

2009-12-05 05:25:55 補充:
So u have to prepare yourself to take time to hunt a job. As i had worked in Starbucks and found job outside city centre, i could get it in 1mth. Only 2 of us were lucky to get one within a week and most got it in about 2mth time.

I hope that this helps u.
參考: 我現正在 愛爾蘭WHV, me again, me again, me again, me again, me again, me again, me again, me again
2009-12-01 12:43 am
2009-11-27 5:05 am

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