翻譯蕃茄豆腐炒肉粒食譜 (20分!)

2009-11-26 5:23 am


蕃 茄 2 個

實 豆 腐 1 件

瘦 肉 4 兩

薑 1 片


生 粉 1 / 2 茶 匙

生 抽 1 茶 匙

糖 1 / 2 茶 匙

胡 椒 粉 少 許

2 .

茄 醬 1 湯 匙

沙 糖 1 湯

生 抽 1 湯 匙

酒 1 茶 匙

鹽 1 / 2 茶 匙

水 2 / 3 杯


蕃 茄 洗 淨 , 去 蒂 及 切 粒 。

豆 腐 略 洗 抹 乾 , 切 粒 。

瘦 肉 切 粒 , 用 調 味 料 1 . 醃 2 0 分 鐘 。

燒 熱 油 , 加 豬 肉 炒 透 , 加 番 茄 、 豆 腐 , 大 火 炒 勻 , 下 調 味 料 , 煮 滾 , 再 以 粟 粉 水 埋 獻 即 成 。

回答 (2)

2009-11-26 4:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Tomato 2 pcs
Hard Tofu 1 pc
Lean Pork Meat 4 taels
Ginger Slice 1

Seasoning (1):
Cornstarch 1/2 tsp
Light soy sauce 1 tsp
Sugar 1/2 tsp
White pepper little bit

Seasoning (2):
Tomato sauce 1 TBSP
Sugar 1 TBSP
Light soy sauce 1 TBSP
Wine 1 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Water 2/3 cup

1. Wash tomatoes, discard the stalk and the seeds. Cut into cubes.
2. Wash tofu, wipe dry. Cut into cubes.
3. Cut pork meat into cubes. Marinate with seasoning (1) for 20 minutes.
4. Heat oil, fry pork meat until done. Add tomato and tofu. Stir fry over high heat. Add seasoning (2). Heat and add cornstarch liquid.
參考: 自己
2009-11-26 5:50 am


Under should not help me to translate already the character.
Tomato 2
Solid bean curd 1
Lean meat 4
two Ginger 1

piece Blending flavors component
Peanut meal 1/2 teaspoons
Lives pulls out
1 teaspoon Sugar
1/2 teaspoons
Ground pepper little

2. Eggplant sauce 1 soupspoon
Granulated sugar 1
soup Lives pulls out 1 soupspoon
Liquor 1 teaspoon
Salty 1/2 teaspoons
Water 2/3 cups

The tomato cleaning, goes to the peduncle and cuts the grain.
The bean curd slightly washes wipes does, cuts the grain.
The lean meat cuts the grain, with seasoning 1. Salt 2 0 minutes.
Burns the hot oil, adds the pork to fry thoroughly, adds the tomato, the bean curd, the fire fries uniform, gets down the seasoning, boils, namely becomes again by corn starch Shui Manxian.

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