Creative Sound Blaster live

2009-11-25 9:44 pm
官網都揾吾到win 7 driver,請問我可以點做,因為裝左 win 7 後認吾到,部電衣加啞左:(

先謝elonohic的方法.....照你的方法去做,雖然最底model顯示系X-Fi XtremeMusice,但原來佢可以search 舊咭的,我照做了,亦找了 live的 winxp pro x64 driver,裝了在win 7,但都吾後,硬體前面有個感嘆號:(

回答 (1)

2009-11-26 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Go to creative web site press support choose technical support.
2.Press Sound Blaster icon and choose the correct model or the model
you are using now. The lowest model is X-Fi XtremeMusice in the list.
3. You can't find any driver for Win7 after press enter don't panic move to
the bottom of the page using Manual selection choose the language (seems only have english) Then press the arrow key to choose the OS and you can find win7 32bit or 64bit in the list choose the right one.
4. Press the submit key and the driver will appear in fornt of the screen.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 12:15:45
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