
2009-11-25 7:14 pm






回答: 好



回答 (5)

2009-11-29 7:47 pm
1) Can I watch TV for a second?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
2) Can I play wii for a second?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
3) Can I take a rest?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
4) Can I draw for a second?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
5) Can you tell me two stories?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
6) Can we read together?
Yes, we can.
No, we cannot.
2009-11-26 2:45 am


2009-11-26 12:38 am
Speak like a English speaking child.

1. Can I watch some TV?

2. Can I play wii for a while?

3. Can I take a break? [無論是玩或做功課時都一樣說法]
Can I take a nap? (午睡)

4. Can I draw some pictures?

5. Can you read me a couple of stories?

6. Let's read a book together.

好/可以: Yes; Ok; Sure; Of course; Certainly...
唔好/唔可以: No; No way; Not now; Later; Absolute not; In your dreams...
2009-11-25 9:11 pm
1) Can I watch TV for a second?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
2) Can I play wii for a second?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
3) Can I take a rest?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
4) Can I draw for a second?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
5) Can you tell me two stories?
Yes, you can.
No, you cannot.
6) Can we read together?
Yes, we can.
No, we cannot.

2009-11-25 8:00 pm
1) Could I watch TV for awhile?
2) Could I play video games for awhile?
3) Could I rest for awhile?
4) Could I do some paintings for awhile?
Could I draw some pictures for awhile?
5) Could you tell me 2 stories please?
6) Could we do some reading together?

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