The Click Five Mary Jane 中文歌詞

2009-11-25 7:08 am
The Click Five Mary Jane 歌詞既中文意思

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2009-11-27 4:25 am
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Mary Jane----by The Click Five

I didn't cry the day you moved away你搬走那天,我沒有哭泣,
Didn't think that I would feel this pain我沒想到會感受到這痛苦
Until I saw the stranger that was you直至我見到那陌生人,就是你
Whatever happened to our innocence在我們的純真方面,無論起了甚麼變化,
And the something that you said about being friends和你說的有關作為朋友的一些事情,
Tell me how告訴我怎樣做
Help me say the words out loud. 幫助我大聲說出來

**Chorus** Could it be that nothing's gonna change會不會是沒有任何改變?
'Cause time has got a way of taking back因為時間有一種方式,
Everything you thought you had去拿走一切你認為自己擁有的
Can you see the girl you used to be你能否明白,我讓你離開,失去你的時候
The one I lost when I let go of you你曾經是那種女孩?
Oh, whatever happened to Mary Jane喔,Mary Jane發生了甚麼事?
Ah...Ah.,......Ah... Ah呀….呀……

I need to wake up from this state of mind我需要從這種意識狀態醒過來,
The situation is the same kind情況是一樣的,
I gotta get your memory out of my head我想從我腦海中,移去對你的記憶,
Would you catch me if I had to fall如果我倒下來,你會扶著我嗎?
Would you even find the time for that at all你甚至會不會騰出時間,為著這一切?
Tell me how告訴我怎樣做
Help me say the words out loud幫助我大聲說出來


'Cause time has taken back因為時間已經拿走
Everything I thought we had全部我們認為擁有的,
Tell me how,告訴我怎樣做
Help me say the words out loud幫助我大聲說出來


Oh, whatever happened to Mary Jane. 喔,Mary Jane發生了甚麼事?

註:這首歌是描寫歌者與女友 Mary Jane分手後的痛苦。他發覺她變了,再不是以前那個女孩,彷似陌生人,又不能忘記她。他驚覺已經失去彼此的關係,這讓他不知如何是好,就等如失去了一切。該大聲喊出鬱結嗎?十分悲哀的一首歌!
2016-12-16 12:48 am
The Click Five Mary Jane

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