Pls help,Education

2009-11-25 6:31 am
I'm studying academy year in EF in Cambridge,
I want to apply for some school where can practise piano as I want to be a performer in my future,
but I just finished grade 6 before I came here,that's why I want to find some school where can improve my piano skill...
my course will be finish in March..
As I know, if I want to apply for university,it's better to study 2 years of A lv instead of foundation,
but I think music performer is a special subject, it's not necessary to study in university..
I don't know what should I do now, can somebody help?

sorry that i didn't menion is I just finished form 5 in HK,it's not enough to apply to any university.


is there anybody can help?

回答 (1)

2009-11-25 8:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
In fact, you know what to do is the best for you. Why don't follow your pathway be a music performer and at the same time be a part time uni student.

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