
2009-11-24 12:33 pm
I am a US citizen. I have finished F4 in HK. I have come to US in July,2009.
I am now 15 years old.
I am now in Orlando, FL.
I am studying in Oak Ridge High School (Grade 11) .

(1) I don't know how to improve my English. I want the fastest way !!! ( MY ENGLISH IS VERY VERY BAD !!!)

(2) What exam should I take or I must take? ACT AP SAT TOEFL ...

(3) For me, I don't know when is the best time for me to take the SAT exam. I want to get the hightest mark. How many time should I spend on High School?

(4) What subject are must take in SAT ? (Like Eng ... )

(5) How many subjects should I take in SAT exam?

(6) If my Eng is still bad in the exam, and my eng exam mark is very poor, are the University accept me? If they don't accept me, what should I do?

(7) When I finish the High School, I should go to College or University. Please give me the diferent between College and Unviersity. Which is the better?

(8) I heard someone said that if student get A in the exam( I don't know what exam), he will get a full scholarship for the College or University in FL. What is the school name? I want the imformation.

If anyone who answer are in US, PLEASE ADD MY MSN. THANKS
I still have many thing have to ask.

My MSN is : YuriPrime_Yuri@hotmail.com

回答 (2)

2009-11-25 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. There is no fast track to improve your English. You have to use it to improve and it takes time.

2. You can start SAT or ACT. For TOEFL, it will depend on the universities you apply next year. For AP, they are designed to students of AP Courses. Check with your school. Usually high school will not allow non-student to take the AP Exam.

3. Anytime is a good time. It is a standardized test to test your ability. It is not a test to test what you have learned. Let me drop you a hint. Most people take 2 times of SAT. Buy a test guide and try it first.

4. SAT has 2 different tests - SAT I (or simply SAT) and SAT II. Your focus now is SAT I. Don't think about the subject tests (as some universities may not require it).

5. It is up to you (for SAT II). However, you don't have a choice in SAT I.

6. It depends. For sure, not top school. And trust me, whatever you do, your score will still be poor anyway (It is not your ability, but simply the design of the test).

7. It is up to you. The difference are the time, money, and pathway. Community college usually associates with low cost but time-consuming. Also, students enroll in community college are usually uncertain about their future career (For universities, everything above in an opposite direction).

8. It will be either AP or IB. However, it is up to your high school, but not to you.
2009-11-24 9:22 pm
The best way is to contact the academic advisor in your school, who can answer all your questions above.

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