
2009-11-24 3:33 am
  殷商時期,北方出現了青銅文化, 而浙江卻出現了印紋陶文化。這是生活在浙江的越人與自然界鬥爭的一種偉大創舉,也是立足浙江資源,因地制宜的一種創造。商周時,浙江的上虞出現了中國迄今 最早的專燒印紋硬陶的石窯。而于1956年發現的蕭山茅灣裏印紋陶窯址,則是保存較完整的春秋戰國時代的一處典型的印紋陶窯址。該窯址存有大量陶瓷碎片及 燒壞變形的完整陶器,表紋飾有米字紋、方格紋等,並且表裏均塗有一層青色的薄釉,有的則胎質堅硬密實,易吸水分,器底壁厚,器身單薄,外表素面,裏面有螺 旋紋。可見,當時制陶工業的水準已有非常大的提高。

表裏和胎質都呈白色的一種素胎陶器。它是用瓷土和高嶺土為制陶原料,燒成溫度在1000度左右。白陶基本上都是手制,以後也逐步採用泥條盤制和輪制。器型 種類不多,有鬹、盉、爵、豆、缽、罍、壺、卣、觶等。白陶器在河南豫西一帶的龍山文化晚期和二裏頭文化早期遺址中皆有發現。商代晚期是白陶器高度發展時 期,在河南、河北、山西和山東等地的商代後期遺址與墓葬中多有發現,其中以河南安陽殷墟出土數量最多,製作也相當精緻,胎質純淨潔白而細膩,器表多刻有饕 餮紋、夔紋、雲雷紋和曲折紋等精美圖案,是仿製同期青銅禮器的一種極珍貴的工藝品。到了西周,由於印紋硬陶器和原始瓷器的較多燒制與使用,白陶器即不再燒 造了。中國新石器時代至商代的白色陶器 。 是用高嶺土燒制,質地潔白細膩。它起源于新石器時代,至商代因製作技術的提高,使原料的淘洗更加精細,燒制火候的掌握也恰到好處,因而使所燒器物愈加素淨 美觀。器形多為生活用品,如壺、罍、鱓、卣、簋等。其紋飾主要吸取青銅器的裝飾紋樣,如獸面紋、饕餮紋、夔紋、雲雷紋、曲折紋等。其裝飾方法有刻紋和淺浮 雕兩種。白陶的裝飾往往遍佈器物全身,構圖嚴謹而富於變化。 白陶是以瓷土和高嶺土為原料,在1200度左右的溫度中燒成的陶器,由於胎質中所含氧化鐵比例極低,大約只有1.6%,因此燒成後表裏和胎質都呈白色。白 陶出現於新石器時代中期,商代後期發展到頂峰,至西周逐漸衰落,白陶多為手制,兼有泥條盤制和輪制法。其紋飾是用印模在作好的坯胎上捺印出來,最初只是出 於防止器物變形,有加固陶坯的目的,故早期的印紋陶上多留有布紋、席紋和繩紋的痕跡,後隨技術的提高和人們審美能力的發展,逐漸使紋樣趨於豐富、精美。印 紋陶的紋樣均為幾何形,主要有水波紋、米字紋、回紋、方格紋、編織紋、雲雷紋。其紋飾多與器形相協調,如曲折紋、雲雷紋、回紋等較粗獷的紋樣,多用於甕、 壇及較大的罐等。而小件的盂、缽等多飾以米字紋、方格紋等細密、秀美的紋樣,其中尤以商、西周、春秋時期的紋飾線劃均勻,結構嚴謹,且富有韻律感。因其比 一般陶器胎質堅硬且潔淨美觀,在當時多為統治階級所用。夏商時器形主要有酒器和豆、缽等食器,器表多刻饕餮紋、夔紋、雲雷紋和曲折紋等精美圖案。是仿同期 青銅禮器的一種極珍貴的工藝品。


回答 (2)

2009-11-24 3:59 am
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Stamped pottery culture originated in the Balkans, and then westbound along the Mediterranean coast, through the Adriatic Sea, both sides have entered the western Mediterranean, in Italy ﹑ ﹑ the south of France along the coast of Spain and Portugal. Stamped pottery culture, mainly barley crops, but also wheat. ﹑ Cattle sheep and other livestock, mainly sheep. Fishing also occupies an important position. For the hand-made pottery and utensils to bowl ﹑ bowl and long-necked bottles.
The late Neolithic Age in southern China's Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, there is a very unique pottery. This pottery firing hard, like porcelain, hence the name hard pottery. Surface pottery making to print a pattern of squares, a circle pattern, winding patterns and other geometric patterns. Because of its very wide distribution range, so people put out such an ancient culture known as the stamped pottery pottery culture. It is the continuation of a very long time until the site of Shang and Zhou dynasties have been found, but also spread to the North Central Plains.
Shang period, bronze culture emerged in the north, and Zhejiang have emerged stamped pottery culture. This is the Vietnamese living in Zhejiang Province as a struggle between man and nature, a great history, and are based on Zhejiang resources, and create a kind of local conditions. Business week, Shangyu Zhejiang China has so far appeared in the first post-secondary firing pottery stamped hard-Dan Yao. The discovery in 1956, Mao Xiao Shan Wanli stamped pottery kiln, it is still relatively intact in the Spring and Autumn era of a typical stamped pottery kiln.

2009-11-23 20:00:04 補充:
The kiln there is a large number of pottery fragments and burned-out deformation of the complete pottery, table decorations there are m words pattern, a pattern of squares and so on, and the exterior and interior are coated with a thin layer of green glaze,

2009-11-23 20:00:08 補充:
while others Taizhi hard dense, easy-absorbent sub - , device at the end of wall thickness, the body of thin, appearance Plain, which have spiral pattern. Can be seen, when the pottery industry standards have a very large increase.
2009-11-24 4:01 am
1. Print the pottery culture of the line and rise in the Balkan Peninsula, then walk to west along the bank of the Mediterranean, two sides of Adriatic enter west Mediterranean, in Italy , French south , Spanish and Portugal coastal area. The crops which print the pottery culture of the line rely mainly on barley, there is wheat too. The livestock is ox , sheep ,etc., relies mainly on sheep. Fish too and occupy the important position. The pottery is made for hands, the implements are with the bowl , earthen bowl and long neck bottle.
In later period for the Neolithic Age, a kind of very characteristic pottery has appeared in Jiangxi , Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi , Yunnan of the South of China. This kind of pottery is fired hard , like the porcelain , so the hard pottery of name. The pottery surface takes and prints the shape line decorations of geometry , such as some check lines , circle lines , twists lines ,etc.. Because distribution of it range quite extensive, so people have this kind ancient civilization of pottery call and print the pottery culture of the line producing. It is very long too, until trader the ruins of week are still found, and spread to the northern central plain area.

2009-11-23 20:02:59 補充:
Yin Shang, the North presented bronze culture, but Zhejiang has presented the pottery culture of the line of printing . The ones that lived in Zhejiang in this exceeded a kind of great invention that people struggled with the nature, base on resources of Zhejiang ,

2009-11-23 20:03:51 補充:
a kind of creation of suiting measures to local conditions too. Trader Zhou Shi, the earliest burning the stone kiln which prints the hard pottery of line specially so far of China has appeared in Shangyu of Zhejiang.

2009-11-23 20:04:56 補充:
And print the line pottery kiln location in the gulf of the cogongrass in Xiaoshan found in 1956, it is a typical seal line pottery kiln location of the times in almost intact period in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring states .

2009-11-23 20:05:21 補充:
This kiln location have a large number of ceramic piece and burn out the intact pottery out of shape, the form line is decorated with the rice word line , check line ,etc., and outward show and inner thoughts apply and have a layer of blue and green thin glazes ,

2009-11-23 20:05:34 補充:
foetus qualities of some are hard and closely knit , apt to suck the moisture, the bottom wall of the device is thick, the device body is weak, the plain one of appearance, there are spiral lines inside. It is obvious ,

2009-11-23 20:07:10 補充:
already there is very great improvement in the level of the ceramics industry at that time.

2.Outward show and inner thoughts and a kind of all white plain foetus potteries of foetus quality. It burns it into temperature about 1000 degrees in order to make pottery raw

2009-11-23 20:07:11 補充:
already there is very great improvement in the level of the ceramics industry at that time.

2.Outward show and inner thoughts and a kind of all white plain foetus potteries of foetus quality. It burns it into temperature about 1000 degrees in order to make pottery raw

2009-11-23 20:07:33 補充:
materials with porcelain clay and kaolin. White pottery is all hand systems basically, will adopt mud making and a systems progressively too afterwards. There is few device type kind , have? , , rank of nobility , beans , earthen bowl , , pot , You , ancient drinking vessel ,etc..

2009-11-23 20:08:01 補充:
The white pottery is all found in the the Longshan culture later period of west area and 1 common early ruins of culture inside in Henan Province of Henan. Later period of Shang dynasty was the white high developing period of pottery , found more in the ruins and grave on Henan , Hebei , Shanxi

2009-11-23 20:08:21 補充:
and Shandong and other places later stage of Shang dynasty, Anyang Yin Dynasty ruins unearthed and plentiful with Henan among them, make too quite exquisite, the foetus quality is pure and pure white and fine and smooth , the device form is carved with exquisite pattern ,

2009-11-23 20:09:06 補充:
such as glutton's line , Kui's line , cloud thunder line and twists line ,etc. more, model a kind of extremely precious handicraft of the bronze sacrificial vessel in the same period . Arrive week such as the west , print line hard pottery and primitive porcelain more to fire and use,

2009-11-23 20:09:33 補充:
the white pottery has been no longer burnt and made promptly. China's the Neolithic Age is to the white pottery of Shang dynasty. Fire with kaolin, the quality is pure white and fine and smooth . It originate from the Neolithic Age, to Shang dynasty because improvement of manufacturing technology,

2009-11-23 20:10:09 補充:
make to have more meticulous washings further raw materials, fire the grasping just right too of duration and degree of heating , therefore make the implements burnt plainer and beautiful . Device the shapes mostly article for daily use,such as pot,,? , You , Gui ,etc..

2009-11-23 20:10:43 補充:
Its line decorations are drawn ornament line kind of the bronze ware mainly, for instance line , glutton's line , Kui's line , cloud thunder line , twists line ,etc. the beast. Its ornament method carves the line and two kinds of simple relief.

2009-11-23 20:11:14 補充:
Ornaments of the white pottery often spread all over the whole body of the implements, the composition is rigorous and full of variety. The white pottery is as raw materials with porcelain clay and kaolin, the pottery burnt in the temperature between about 1200 degrees,

2009-11-23 20:11:39 補充:
because the iron oxide rust included is extremely low in proportion in the foetus quality, probably only 1.6%, so outward show and inner thoughts and foetus quality are all white after burning. The white pottery appear in middle period for the Neolithic Age,

2009-11-23 20:12:13 補充:
spread to the summit on later stage of Shang dynasty, declining gradually in week to the west, Bai TaoDuo makes for hands, mud article making and wheel make the law. Its line decorations are pressing down and printing out on the base foetus that is done well with the die,

2009-11-23 20:12:56 補充:
just out of preventing the implements from being out of shape at first, there is purpose to strengthen base of the pottery , so leave mark of cloth line , mat line and rope line more on the early seal line pottery , and then up to the improvement of technology and development

2009-11-23 20:13:18 補充:
of people's estheticism , make the line kind become more and more abundant , exquisite gradually. It is the shape of geometry to print line kind of the line pottery,: water and ripple , rice word line , meander , check line, weave the line , cloud thunder line.

2009-11-23 20:13:44 補充:
Its line decorations are consert with shape of the device more, for instance more rough line kind , such as twists line , cloud thunder line , meander ,etc., used in urn , jar and bigger pot ,etc. more. And close , beautiful line kind of decorated with the rice word line,

2009-11-23 20:14:11 補充:
check line moring etc., such as the small broad-mouthed receptacle for holding liquid of one , earthen bowl,etc., among them row evenly with the trader , line decorations line of week , spring and autumn of the west particularly, of a tightly knit structure, and is rich in the rhythmical image.

2009-11-23 20:14:23 補充:
Because it foetus quality hard clean and beautiful than general pottery, in at that time large to spend for ruling class. The shape of the device had feeders , such as drinking vessel , beans , earthen bowl ,etc. mainly in Shang in summer , the device form carved more exquisite pattern ,

2009-11-23 20:14:29 補充:
such as glutton's line , Kui's line , cloud thunder line and twists line ,etc.. Imitate a kind of extremely precious handicraft of the bronze sacrificial vessel in the same period .

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