近日IE頻頻出現不回報error, 上不到網~
uninstall IE了, 再install也能, 連上norton online scan都不能!
我用firefox用housecall online scan掃到這些病毒及木馬, 但有些不能remove~
上次我用norton 掃過有木馬:
C:\WINDOWS\Setup.dll 感染了 Trojan Horse
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Wincld32.dll 感染了 Trojan Horse
1. TROJ_GEN.RZ3077 (無寫感染file: 1 infected)
2. TROJ_NODEF.BG (1 infected )(C:\WINDOWS\system32\Wincld32.dll) <<這個依然remove不到!
3. CRCK_KEYGEN (1 infected)(無寫感染file)
4. HKTL_USURFE (1 infected )(C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\u94.zip!)
5. CRCK_WINVI.A(1 infected )(C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\WinAVI76_big5.rar!)
6. HTTP cookies (2 detected)
Transfering more information about this vulnerability...
An error occurred while trying to retrieve more information about this vulnerability. There is currently no more information available.
Transfering more information about this vulnerability...
An error occurred while trying to retrieve more information about this vulnerability. There is currently no more information availabl
Transfering more information about this vulnerability...
An error occurred while trying to retrieve more information about this vulnerability. There is currently no more information available
我按f8 進入安全模式, 又找不到那2個檔案:
1. C:\WINDOWS\Setup.dll 感染了 Trojan Horse
2. C:\WINDOWS\system32\Wincld32.dll 感染了 Trojan Horse
但已沒有不回報IE error~
但不知為何在"執行"打網址上網, 佢會彈個"這個檔案沒有執行這個動作的關聯程式, 請在[資料夾選項]來建立關聯。"的box~
及登入microsoft update windows時, load網頁很長時間都不能顯示網頁~
下載了IE 8 exe install時, 久久未能安裝完成, 只停留於"正在下載"那part的步驟.....
在msn 按"信件" icon, 平時可以即時彈個browser出黎: ie 或 firefox; 但現在按了也沒反應。
在house call 曾經顯示過infected :
1. cookies double click
2. cookie serstym <<好似係咁串~
請問如何解決這些問題呢? 謝謝!!
請問如何解決這些問題呢? 謝謝!!