
2009-11-23 6:06 am



家居節水簡單方便,方法包括用淘米水清洗碗筷及蔬菜,既去污又環保;在清洗餐具或食物時,應放在盆槽內清洗,不應長開水龍頭直接清洗;在清理炊具等的油污時,可先用紙把油污抹掉後再清洗,慳水又慳洗滌劑;將冷藏食物解凍時,應提早由冰箱取出,不要以水沖的方式解凍。 居民可透過收集洗菜、淘米、淋浴或洗衣的污水沖廁所。


回答 (2)

2009-11-23 8:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Water saving should never be a short-term measure but be practised constantly. It would be pointless if we people in Macau know the importance of water saving only when we face the real threat of another salt tide.

It takes a long time of education, maybe 10 to 20 years, to cultivate a culture to value water as a scarce resource. But scarcity of fresh water is a global problem so imminent that deprives us of the time.

It is moral as well as practically necessary for Macau to use water wisely, as supplying water to Macau costs the mainland huge amount of resources such as its power generating capacity. Therefore, while education to promote wise use of water should go on, people in Macau have the responsibility to act accoridng to the SAR government's initiatives to minimise waste of water in face of the threat of salt tides.

Wise use of water may start conveniently at home, as the water left from rinsing of rice makes a effective and green agent to clean vegitables and utensils. We may also start washing utensils in a basin of water instead of under a running tap. Wiping away kitchen greases with paper before washing them with water helps reduce use of water and detergents. Defrosting food may not need running tap water if it is placed in room temperature beforehand. Water left from rinsing vegitables and rice, or from shower or laundary may be gathered and used to flush the toilet.
2009-11-23 7:31 am
Section water not stage sexual behavior or task, needs perserveringly, if salty tide comes to raid , when Macau faces difficult condition really, all just know and recall section water, again have what use ? promotion section water consciousness need to rely on education, but the installation of ideology needs that it is tired that the 20s more than 10 amass slowly in year. Problem is , the resource of fresh water is deficient, whole world faces directly, is serious to be short of water crisis. Inland lets water every year to ensure Macau , spends plenty of manpower material resources , compensates the plenty of losses of electricenergy production more , leaves from reason and reality, Macau section water is urgent. So, it is this, besides reinforced propagative education, whole Ao resident will suit the section water of the government of special zone to work actively, a person a minute power, the section water &amprdquo of &ampldquo fights salty tide totally. Resident can wash vegetable through receipt fair , clean out rice and shower or wash the sewage of clothing to rush lavatory.

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