請英文高手翻譯!! 急急急

2009-11-23 2:20 am
益力多一向被視為“健康飲品”,但近日則被驗出糖份含量過高,每一百毫升達十六克糖,即消費者如飲用一支益力多,就已吸收每日游離糖攝取量三成,如每日飲三至四支,就會超出每日的糖份攝取量。益力多的健康形象深入人心,但如今則被發現含糖量超標,不少市民得知後都大感意外 !



- 個人認為益力多公司今後在廣告宣傳上理應作出合當的調適 , 不要再自誇其產品是健康,有益.

- 其實想推銷產品 , 又豈止從健康角度出發呢! 其實市面上臨臨種種的垃圾食物可謂多不勝數 . 就如麥當勞一樣 , 它的食品都不是以健康作標榜的 , 但味道及賣相則十分吸引 . 故此我認為益力多公司只要把消費者的焦點稍為轉移 , 同樣以”味道”見稱 , 一樣可以有自己市場 !

-相反 , 繼續一如以往作風 , 正正就今次的事件便足以證明益力多公司自打嘴巴了! 更甚的話 , 市民作出有關控訴 , 簡直就是自討苦吃了!

回答 (2)

2009-11-23 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yakult has long been regarded as a "health drink", but recently was found to have high sugar content, up to 16 grams per 100 milliliters of sugar, that is, consumers can drink a Yakult, which has been absorbed daily free sugars intake 3 into, such as 3-4 drinks a day would exceed the daily sugar intake. Yakult deeply rooted among the healthy image, but now found that sugar content was excessive, many people are surprised, after that!

The experts also pointed out that if the excessive consumption of sweets, will affect their intake of other nutrients, have the opportunity to lead to malnutrition and stunting; the same time consuming sweet food will lead to excessive consumption of energy of the body, when the energy required would be far more than physical changes in for the fat stored in the body, result in weight gain, resulting in obesity.

A spokesman for the Yakult, responded to the Japanese head office to reflect, research to reduce the sugar content of recipes.

- Personal view is that Yakult company in the future ought to make a combined advertising when the adjustment, not to boast of their products are healthy and beneficial.

- In fact, I want to sell products, but also more than just from a health point of view it! In fact, the provisional clinical various market can be described as junk food are numerous. As McDonald's, its food is not as advertised as health, but the taste is very attractive and marketable. So I think that as long as the Yakult slightly shift the focus of consumers, use the same "flavor", see that and they can have their own market!

- On the contrary, to continue as in the past style, is precisely the present case is sufficient to prove that Yakult contradicting himself in! Worse still, the public made a complaint is simply ask for the!
參考: me,信唔信?
2009-11-23 2:51 am
Yakult is regarded as healthy drinks. However, a recent test revealed that the sugar content in Yakult is excessive, 16g sugar per 100mL. For instance, if a consumer drinks one Yakult, the absorption of mobile sugar is already three-tenth of daily normal consumption. If he drinks 3 or 4 Yakult a day, the consumption exceeds daily sugar absorption. The image of health of Yakult has firmly kept in everyone's mind. But the finding of the test really shocks many people!

In addition, expert says excessive consumption of sweet food can affect the absorption of other nutrition and cause malnutrition and obstruction of growth

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 15:37:51
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