
2009-11-23 1:19 am
1. 麥當勞經常標榜的開心樂園餐 , 定期都會送不同的公仔/玩具去吸引小朋友到
M記食野...但M記的食物通通都是高油高脂肪的垃圾食品 ; 佢地利用得意玩具
去引誘小朋友 , 但些快餐食品只會造成兒童的健康問題 , 故此觸發起誤導成份!

2. Kinder出奇蛋廣告也是標榜著蛋內的玩具刺激,新奇,又好玩...可以一次過滿足晒
小朋友三個願望... 同樣利用得意玩具去引誘小朋友食 . 小朋友多吃亦會造成健
康問題! 另外, Kinder廣告很多時候都會在出奇蛋旁邊加一杯牛奶 , 令到出奇蛋
看似很健康 , 但其實出奇蛋都係用朱古力製成 ,所以都出現了誤導成份!

( 煩請英文高手將上述兩例子翻譯成英文! )


回答 (1)

2009-11-23 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. McDonald's often ideal of happy meals, on a regular basis will offer plush/toys to attract children come to the
M-Kee Catering wild ... but M write-down food and who are the high oil high fat junk food; for them to take advantage of his pride in the toy
To lure children, but some fast food will only lead to children's health problems, thus triggering misleading!

2. the Kinder egg advertising is a superlative with eggs in toys, novelty, and stimulated the fun of it ... you can meet the Sun once and for all
Children three wishes ... also use lure children toys to gloat with food. Children eat a lot of kin-FUNG, will create
Kang problem! In addition, Kinder advertising when in egg beside a glass of milk, egg to
What looks like a very healthy, but in fact are egg with chocolate, so a misleading!

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