
2009-11-22 11:21 pm
according同according to有咩分別呀?
because同because of呢?


回答 (3)

2009-11-26 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
according : adverb,use it after verb
according to:verb
because:a common sentence after it
e.g.The teacher punished him
because he had forgotten to bring his textbook.
because of:only put noun after it

Preposition:something to make the sentence easier to understand
e.g.I've lost my watch.I am looking FOR it.
I will leave FOR London IN the evening
Hope that it can help u!

2009-11-25 18:01:46 補充:
It's "I've lost"
2009-11-23 11:17 pm
According = 和諧的 / 想應的 / 一致的
We'll have to reach an according decision today.

According to = 根據 / 按照
A storm is coming according to the weather forecast.

Because 之後出現的是 clause
I'm staying home today because I have 3 assignments to finish.

Because of 之後出現的是 noun / noun phrase
I don't feel like going out today because of the bad weather.

常用的 Prepositions 有百多個,作用是顯示一個 word / phrase 與句子其餘部份在時間上 / 空間上 / 邏輯上的關係:

The concert will be over in an hour.
Why don't you put your bag on the desk?
He works hard for his family.



2009-11-24 23:30:00 補充:
Thank you 004 for your exceptional performance. I enjoy watching it!

2009-11-28 19:13:45 補充:
有意公審批鬥 Carl Tang 者,請移玉步:


2009-11-22 11:31 pm
according=依照 acoording=(依據)根據.依照
because=因為 because of=因為, 由於|
我真係建議你裝金山,好多字查到,Uwants.com 搵,係右上方打金山詞霸
參考: 金山

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