I & my best friend have a crush on the same guy..........he asked me to a dance....should i go?.......?

2009-11-21 2:30 pm

回答 (6)

2009-11-21 2:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, even if you dont go, she wont be able to change the fact that you have caught his attention a little more than she has, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'd say you both need to be clear that even though you both like him, neither of you can change his feelings so it's up to him who he chooses to date. When things like this happen between girlfriends, both friends should automatically know and understand that the boy is INEVITABLY going to go for ONE of you or none at all (unless he is a jerk who'll try to get with the two of you) and be prepared cuz you might not be the one he chooses. If you are not the one, then as her "best" friend you should know to let go and go on with life..you'll find someone who values YOU for yourself and sees the best of you (noone wants less than that)
參考: PS. My advise, also..Dont ask your friend for "permission" (what it sounds like) since there's a possibility that she will be ok with you going out with him, but as soon as you ask her for "permission" she might start giving it some thought...like "well since she asked me that means that she thinks I SHOULD feel angry/disappointed of her...and I should" soo it will go from there and that little thing might spoil your relationship with her. With this in mind, you might be better off with just making a "fun comment" about it in front of her. Make it like a giggly gossip and be like OMG I wasn't expecting that. Watch her reaction closely during this conversation and go with the flow. Good luck!!
2009-11-22 3:28 pm
Go ahead take the opportunity.
2 girls liking the same guy kinda odd and silly do discuss
and see your friend liking him too.
2009-11-21 10:50 pm
I would defiatly ask your friend first and see what she says.I think she would let you go if you like him too, and that you have a better chance with him, but if she doesn't want you too, I would listen to your friend because she is more worth it.
2009-11-21 10:48 pm
Yes you should but tell your friend that you're going to go with him.

If she's truly your best friend then while she might be upset she shouldn't have a problem with it.
2009-11-21 10:39 pm
Ask your friend if she would be okay with you going with him first. So she don't get mad if you do or don't. Don't let a stupid guy (like me) come in between a friendship.

Hope that answers.
參考: previous friend issues
2009-11-21 10:37 pm
well tell your friend he asked you. Then see if its okay

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