im wondering how to use YES NO

2009-11-22 1:54 am
My friend said " you dont know how to cook"
then i said "yes"

but he said the answer should be " NO"...

in fact i dont know how to cook...

my friend said yes is for some positive things and no is for negative things
i know that... but in this case do i really say "NO" but not "YES"??

so is my friend correct??

回答 (2)

2009-11-23 5:45 am

甲:You can't cook.
乙:係呀(你講岩),I can't cook。
丙:唔係呀(你講錯),I can cook。

講英文時,個 Yes/No 則是按照回答時個動詞 verb 係 positive(can cook)定 negative(cannot cook)。無論阿甲問什麼、點問法,乙 can't cook 就永遠答 No,丙 can cook 就永遠答 Yes。個 Yes/No 可以說有點多餘呢。

甲:You can cook.
乙:No, I can't cook。
丙:Yes, I can cook。

甲:You can't cook.
乙:No, I can't cook。
丙:Yes, I can cook。 不過,丙在這裏也可能回答「No!死人甲!你錯了!」這不是正面回答甲的問題,所以唔算。
2009-11-22 8:46 am
Before you are familiar with using yes 或 or no , you can do this to avoid confusion:

When your friend said you didn't know how to cook,
you can answer:
Yes, I do (you know how to cook)
No, I don't (you don't know how to cook).

This will shift the answer onto I do or I don't.

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