
2009-11-21 9:43 pm

To have green fingers

The grass is always greener on the other side

To be green with envy

回答 (2)

2009-12-01 8:23 am
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To have green fingers = to have a talent for gardening, ability to make things grow (好有園藝, 種植花草的天份)

例句 : She has green fingers and is able to grow one of the best gardens in our neighbourhood.


The grass is always greener on the other side = a place that is far away or different seems better than where we are now (意思是覺得別的地方總比現在的地方好, 或覺得別人的東西總比自己的好, 即俗語 : 隔離飯香)

例句 : He realized that the grass is always greener on the other side when he saw that his new job was not perfect and had its own problems too.


To be green with envy = to be full of envy, very jealous (非常羨慕, 妒忌)
(註 : 英文中, 經常將envy 與 green 一起運用)

例句 : I was green with envy when I heard that she would be going to London for a month while I had to stay and work.
2009-11-22 12:55 am
To have green fingers = = new in doing something or new comers

We have green fingers in this project.

grass greener on the other side = better and grows better on the other side

to be green with envy = seldem envy others

She is green with envy so we are surprised at her attitude tonight.

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