07 UE proof-reading

2009-11-21 3:08 am
98 Anyone goes to see ‘Hollywoodland’ and expects to see a fresh angle will very disappointed.

點解係Anyone ^ goes,幾時加幾時不用加?

回答 (1)

2009-11-21 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案

例句:Anyone goes to see Hollywoodland and expects to see a fresh angle will be very disappointed.

問題中的例句共有3個動詞 (包括“goes”、“expects”及“will be”),已違返英文語法規則。

若想把句子修正,使用relative clause -“who”是其中一個方法,這種短句能達到修飾所指示事物的目的。

Anyone who goes to see Hollywoodland and expects to see a fresh angle will be very disappointed. (defining – 特指去看“Hollywoodland”並期望它向觀眾展示新的角度的 “anyone”將會感到非常失望。 )

Anyone, who goes to see Hollywoodland and expects to see a fresh angle, will be very disappointed. (non-defining – 綠色部份的短句只提供額外資訊,沒有界定“anyone”的意思。 )


方法一:把句子分拆, 可組成獨立句子。
a) Some people would go to see Hollywoodland and expect to see a fresh angle. These people will be very disappointed.
b) Some people would go to see Hollywoodland and expect to see a fresh angle, but these people will be very disappointed.

Anyone going to see Hollywoodland and expecting to see a fresh angle will be very disappointed.

綜上所述,如想修正句子而作最少修改,表達相類意思,加插 “who”為可取之法。
參考: 個人意見

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