
2009-11-20 11:46 pm
想係放大假時, 將公司的email set 好自動回覆, 請問英文應該點寫﹖主旨又應該寫咩好呢﹖請幫忙,thanks!

Dear all <- 是不是寫Dear all﹖ (是公司郵件來)

本人在 24/11~27/11 放假4天, 所有郵件會在 27/11 (星期六) 上班後回覆, 特此通知, 謝!

回答 (5)

2009-11-20 11:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
主旨: Out of Office AutoReply

Dear Sender,

Thank you for your email. I am on leave from 24 to 27 November, 2009. I will reply to you upon my return on 28 November, 2009. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Best regards,

2009-11-20 17:06:40 補充:
要唔要寫: 不便之處, 敬請原諒果d﹖-- 禮多人不怪鴉丫嘛。
需唔需有d比較客氣既寫法﹖-- 呢個已經好客氣。
正式應該係中英文點寫好﹖-- 英文已經好明白。
2009-11-21 2:21 am
I was 24/11 ~ 28/11 holiday 4 days, all messages will be 28/11 (Sunday) to work after, take notice, thank you!
本人在 24/11~28/11 放假4天, 所有郵件會在 28/11 (星期日) 上班後回覆, 特此通知, 謝謝!

2009-11-20 18:23:05 補充:

2009-11-20 18:23:53 補充:
2009-11-21 1:09 am


2009-11-21 12:39 am
I will be out of the office starting 24/Nov and will not return until 28/Nov.
I will respond to your message when I return.
Should you have any urgent enquiry, please contact the following person :

** 最後一句, 是你應該要留下一個可幫你處理緊急事情的同事嘅聯絡方法 **
2009-11-20 11:57 pm
I will be out of the office starting 24 Nov through 27 Nov. I will back in the office 28 Nov. I will respond to your message when I return. Thank You for your email.


I will be out of the office starting 24 Nov through 27 Nov. I will back in the office 28 Nov. I will respond to your message when I return. If urgent please contact XXXXX Ext. 1234. Thank You for your email.

同有少少唔明 27 係放假 定返工?? 謝謝

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