Is philosophy being concerned in western countries, such as United States?

2009-11-19 3:15 pm
I am oriental and I am curious about philosophy in western countries.

Is philosophy being concerned in western countries, such as United States?

回答 (6)

2009-11-19 4:11 pm
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Few persons in the United States take the time to personally consider or discern their personal philosophy and beliefs, with most simply choosing to follow what they believe everyone else is doing at any given time.

Further the study of philosophy in a scholastic setting is seldom the choice of the majority.

The ethics of one's self chosen actions are usually only considered after one has either run afoul of the law or has incurred the social wrath of those who disapprove of one's action(s).

Philosophy as the same applies to professed (although seldom practiced) religious or spiritual beliefs has all but been totally abandoned and forgotten by the vast majority.

Here in the west, if people can't see a way to use the same to make money and gain materially they see no use in it at all.

To quote the singer/song writer Randy Newman, "It's money that matters in the USA".

2009-11-19 6:20 pm
To answer your question, No, we do not concern ourselves with philosophy as you do in your eastern culture. I know this because I study eastern philosophies and cultures, and I understand what you mean by "concern".

The difference in eastern culture vs. western is that eastern cultures really focus on internal energies (chi, mana, etc) where as westerners focus on MTV.

Seriously, its sad, but to find an American who doesn't have cable TV, is rare. Its all about social acceptance, sports, material items, etc. Even our "gothic" types need tattoos, weird jewelery to prove themselves.

We (meaning Americans) do not meditate (at large), do not take care of their one and only physical body, do not exercise their minds, and are pretty much inept. They listen to what ever is told to them, and most of the time won't question it, even if it is blaringly stupid or fake.

What do we need philosophy for when we have sitcoms, and sports center?
2016-10-18 4:02 pm
Aztlan grew to become right into a poem,eighty's that grew into this horrendous invasion of the rustic, by our government or the shortcoming of controlling it by our government and the yank public looking any opposite direction at an identical time because it grew to become into starting to be like a maximum cancers. the U. S. voters are an afternoon previous due and countless money short in struggling with it, at suitable we are in a position to in basic terms desire to sluggish it down. the only thank you to do it incredibly is save conversing up, become in contact and don't think your representatives. Illegals are a money cow for the Mexican governmant at a music of $fifty 4 billion money (05) extra unlawful right here extra they deliver extra the Mexico get lower back in remittance.
2009-11-19 3:59 pm
Well. Eastern philosophy is sort of packaged for western culture in a philosophy called, "Existentialism"
2009-11-19 3:52 pm
I don't think your translation is coming out quite right. I'm not sure what you're asking. Try rewording it.

Ethics is I guess what we'd call "being concerned," and ethical issues aren't being addressed enough in colleges, in my opinion. There are plenty an unethical JD or MBA graduate, and this is part of the reason we're in such a mess, economically.
參考: "Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things" ~Denis Diderot
2009-11-19 3:40 pm
Being concerned??

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