
2009-11-20 7:14 am

Welche Mnchner Fussballmannschaft kennt man auf der ganzen Welt? Wie heit dieser
Klub der hier zu Lande die Rekorde Hlt? Wer hat schon gewonnen was jemals zu
gewinnen gab? Wer bring seit Jahrzehnten unsere Bundesliga voll auftrap

FC Bayern Stern des Sdens, du wirst niemals Unter gehn, weil wir in guten wie in
schlechten Zeiten zu einander stehn, Fc Bayern Deutschermeister ja so heit er mein
Verein, Ja so war es und so ist es und so wird es immer sein

Wo wird lauschent Angegriffen wo wird Tglich Spioniert? wo ist Presse wo ist Rummel
wo wird immer Diskotiert? wer spielt in jeden Stadion vor ausverkauftenhaus? wer hlt
den groen druck der Gegner stehts aufs neue aus?

FC Bayern Stern des Sdens du wirst niemals untergehn, weil wir in guten wie in
schlechten Zeiten zu einander Stehn, Fc Bayern Deutschermeister ja so heit er mein
Verein, ja so war es und so ist es und so wird es immer sein

Ob Bundesliga, in Pokal oder Champions League Ja gibt es denn was schneres
als ein Bayern-sieg? Hier ist Leben hier ist Liebe hier ist Feuer und auch
Leid Bayern Mnchen Deutschlands bester bis in aller Ewigkeit

FC Bayern Stern des Sdens du wirst niemals Untergehn, weil wir in guten wie in
schlechten Zeiten zu einander stehn, Fc Bayern Deutschmeister ja so heit er mein
Verein ja so war es und so ist es und so wird es immer sein

Fc Bayern Stern Stern des Sdens du wirst niemals untergehn weil wir in guten wie in
schlechten Zeiten zu einander stehn, Fc Bayern Deutschermeister Ja so heit er mein
Verein ja so war es und so ist es und so wird es immer sein

Fc Bayern Deutschermeister ja so heit er mein Verein ja so war es und so ist und so
wird es immer sein!!

請用簡單0既英文 翻譯

回答 (3)

2009-11-21 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Want to translate German lyrics:

What Mnchner football team is known around the world? As majority of these
Hlt Club here on land the records? Who has won what ever
get there? Those who bring decades of our full auftrap Bundesliga

Bayern Munich star of the southern part, you'll never go under because we are both in good and
bad times to stand together, Fc Bayern unit Deutschermeister yes it my
Association, was yes, and so it is, and so there will always be

Where will lauschent Attacked where is Tglich Spy? where press is where hype
which is always Diskotiert? who is playing in any stadium before ausverkauftenhaus? Who hlt
groen the pressure from the opponent stehts again?

Bayern Munich star of the southern part you will never perish, because we are both in good and
bad times to each other Stehn, Fc Bayern unit Deutschermeister yes it my
Club, yes it was and as it is and it will always be

Whether League in Cup or Champions League Yes, there is for what Schner
as a Bayern victory? Here, life is love is the fire and also
Bavaria Germany's best to Mnchen sorrow for all eternity

Bayern Munich star of the southern part you'll never perishing, because we are both in good and
stand each other when times are hard, Fc Bayern Deutschmeister yes it my unit
Yes so it was agreed, and so it is, and so there will always be

Fc Bayern Stern Star of the southern part you will never perish because we are both in good and
bad times to stand together, Fc Bayern unit Deutschermeister Yes it my
Yes so it was agreed, and so it is, and so there will always be

Fc Bayern Deutschermeister yes he unit so it was my club and it is so and so
it always will be!
2009-11-29 7:34 am
What Mnchner football team is known around the world? As majority of these
Hlt Club here on land the records? Who has won what ever
get there? Those who bring decades of our full auftrap Bundesliga

Bayern Munich star of the southern part, you'll never go under because we are both in good and
bad times to stand together, Fc Bayern unit Deutschermeister yes it my
Association, was yes, and so it is, and so there will always be

Where will lauschent Attacked where is Tglich Spy? where press is where hype
which is always Diskotiert? who is playing in any stadium before ausverkauftenhaus? Who hlt
groen the pressure from the opponent stehts again?

Bayern Munich star of the southern part you will never perish, because we are both in good and
bad times to each other Stehn, Fc Bayern unit Deutschermeister yes it my
Club, yes it was and as it is and it will always be

Whether League in Cup or Champions League Yes, there is for what Schner
as a Bayern victory? Here, life is love is the fire and also
Bavaria Germany's best to Mnchen sorrow for all eternity

Bayern Munich star of the southern part you'll never perishing, because we are both in good and
stand each other when times are hard, Fc Bayern Deutschmeister yes it my unit
Yes so it was agreed, and so it is, and so there will always be

Fc Bayern Stern Star of the southern part you will never perish because we are both in good and
bad times to stand together, Fc Bayern unit Deutschermeister Yes it my
Yes so it was agreed, and so it is, and so there will always be

Fc Bayern Deutschermeister yes he unit so it was my club and it is so and so
it always will be!
2009-11-20 8:02 pm
What Mnchner football team is known around the world? As majority of these
Hlt Club here on land the records? Who has won what ever
get there? Those who bring decades of our full auftrap Bundesliga

Bayern Munich star of the southern part, you'll never go under because we are both in good and
bad times to stand together, Fc Bayern unit Deutschermeister yes it my
Association, was yes, and so it is, and so there will always be

Where will lauschent Attacked where is Tglich Spy? where press is where hype
which is always Diskotiert? who is playing in any stadium before ausverkauftenhaus? Who hlt
groen the pressure from the opponent stehts again?

Bayern Munich star of the southern part you will never perish, because we are both in good and
bad times to each other Stehn, Fc Bayern unit Deutschermeister yes it my
Club, yes it was and as it is and it will always be

Whether League in Cup or Champions League Yes, there is for what Schner
as a Bayern victory? Here, life is love is the fire and also
Bavaria Germany's best to Mnchen sorrow for all eternity

Bayern Munich star of the southern part you'll never perishing, because we are both in good and
stand each other when times are hard, Fc Bayern Deutschmeister yes it my unit
Yes so it was agreed, and so it is, and so there will always be

Fc Bayern Stern Star of the southern part you will never perish because we are both in good and
bad times to stand together, Fc Bayern unit Deutschermeister Yes it my
Yes so it was agreed, and so it is, and so there will always be

Fc Bayern Deutschermeister yes he unit so it was my club and it is so and so
it always will be!

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