
2009-11-20 1:23 am
要<香港傷殘青年協會主席、香港復康會副主席、香港消防主任協會會長、復康巴士管理委員會主席、香港社會服務聯會委員及國際復康總會亞太區副會長> 既英文.....

回答 (3)

2009-11-20 2:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
To "Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Hong Kong Fire Services Officers Association, Rehabus Management Committee Chairman, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service members and Rehabilitation International Asia-Pacific vice president"
參考: IGoogle翻譯
2009-11-24 1:37 am
Hong Kong Disabled Youth association president, Hong Kong duplicate Vice-President Kang Hui, Hong Kong Fire prevention Director Association president, duplicate President Kang bus Management committee, Hong Kong social service association committee member and international duplicate Vice-chairman Kang general meeting Asian and Pacific area

2009-11-20 1:30 am
Hong Kong Disabled Youth association president, Hong Kong duplicate Vice-President Kang Hui, Hong Kong Fire prevention Director Association association president, duplicate President Kang bus management committee, Hong Kong social service association synapsis committee member and international duplicate Vice-chairman Kang general meeting Asian and Pacific area

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:57:19
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