
2009-11-19 1:53 pm
一直對economics同accounting都有興趣,現正在美國讀書,某大學收左我1月開始讀econ BA既upper division classes。但此大學并無offer accounting所以無法minor埋accounting。我唔想放棄呢個offer轉校又搞一輪,但系對accounting仲有興趣。如果我讀完econ BA返香港想讀accounting有咩options?需唔需要從頭讀3年bachelor?
我完全唔認識d制度,而且accounting有好多titles同N種diploma,系咪一定要accounting bachelor先可以做accountant定系讀course 然後考個standardized exam之類就OK?

Opps,u got it wrong Gary...it's another UC, not sure if it has bad economics program though.......

回答 (1)

2009-11-19 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let me guess, you are admitted to UC Davis (One of the worst economics program in California).

Make it simple.

Economics and Accounting are different subject and different disciplines (Economics is usually B.A. and Accounting is usually B.S.). Regardless what your choice is, if you intend to finish both, you will have to study for 2 degree programs (with credit recognition of most of the GE courses).

Getting certificate does not help you for accounting at all. In most of the states, a business or accounting degree is required to apply for CPA examinations.

So you have to make up your choice.

2009-11-20 02:23:37 補充:
Well, let's put it this way - It is good ennough that I know it is a UC.

However, what I am saying still stands.

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