ucd (part time) 認受性

2009-11-19 8:41 am
請問: 1 ) UCD既 Bussiness in Finance 課程在香港銀行業既認受性高唔高???
Position e.g HSBC or Local Bank as a Senior Clerk/Officer/Senior Officer/Assistant Manager 2) UCD同南澳比較邊間好??? (因為南澳既finance degree 所包括既科目大部份以finance為主而UCD只得4科係finance課程) 3) 僱主會用咩眼光同角度去看這些有工作經驗既 野雞part-time degree同事呢? 會唔會覺得佢地既學歷只會好過冇呢? 如果效果唔理想的話,即使讀完都唔敢拿出來比人睇,你話係唔係?

回答 (2)

2009-11-19 9:21 am
✔ 最佳答案

You learn and apply your knowledge to real working world, don't be bias by those recognition BS system. If you are good, you can do a better job than thsoe brand name University graduate. Many dump people look into brand name. I have been in-charge of a big company for many years. I graduated from brand name, I have seen a lot of those brand name dummy, and there are so many smart guy/gal not from the brand name graduate doing a much much better job than thsoe who call No: 1 School. You have to work hard, you learn from the same book, the different is yourself, not the school, not the book, be confident and work hard.
2009-11-19 10:31 am
kingwillie88 got what I want to say:

"No school is bad school, only bad students."

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