Why cant award the Nobel Prize to Social Science one component inorder to balance juxtaposition to Economics?

2009-11-18 3:24 pm
There is a urgent need to redress the imbalance in social sciences, so far Nobel Award Committee only awarded to the Economics in social sciences.Now in its historty nobel committee awarded Nobel Prize to a Political Scientist Elinor Ostrom, here onwards the nobel committee should treat all the social sciences as one component, as all the social sciences contribute equally good for the betterment of society and enrichment of human society.

回答 (1)

2009-11-22 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
You forgot the Nobel Prize in Literature, for Peace, the associated Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel - awarded in 1901 - by the RoyalSwedish Academy of Sciences, the first awarded + again in 1969.

Political Science is a social science. There is no Nobel Prize for Mathematics, if you want to join other critics. But in Peace and Literature, Political Science and Economics; any social science is involved.

It is by the will of Alfred Nobel that the 5 Nobel Prizes were instituted.

He bequeathed 94% of his total assets, 31 million Swedish kronor, to establish and endow the Nobel Prizes. (as of 2008 = 186 million US dollars, As of Dec 21, 2007 the assets controlled by the Nobel Foundation amounted to 3.628 billion kronor; approx 560 million US dollars). His instructions are particular.

The names of nominees are never released to the Public or the candidate, self-nominations and deceased are disqualified. Nominations are sealed for 50 years. The rest of the requirements are in the site below.

Not sure where you can document an "urgent need to redress the imbalance in social sciences."

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 21:49:27
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