management 功課

2009-11-19 3:37 am
Discuss how management theory and practice has changed over since the early 1900's
本人要寫一份ESSAY...1500 words..題目如上...我冇頭緒...請大家俾D意見我...
老師話要寫3個重點1.theory 2.practice 3.changed ,真係唔知點做...請大家指點一下...感謝...

Discuss how management theory and practice has changed over since the early 1900's

回答 (2)

2009-11-20 7:03 pm
- Read the following article, it is comprehensive and realistic:


- Happy to help others.

2009-11-19 5:58 am
Wow........i think you should rely on your textbook. I studied management for long time ago, so i forgot those theory.

First, i think you should make some research on recent management, how a manger manage his/her teammate, such as motivation. In world war 2, General motivate their solider by putting pressure on them, pushing them forward. Solider must obey thier commander.

But now, manager cannot give them too much pressure. Objective which is considerable achievable can movtivate staff.

If i remember, hygiene factor. The living standard in the past is so poor, but people still working hard. But now people hard work after they get enough food, shelter, or even high salary.

I think you should really think as a manager, how you would mange in the past and now. In the past, you must be cruel to you staff, so they will obey you. But now you need to understand what they need, who arelazy, why they are lazy. Because of the working condition? Because their work is so difficult so they just give it up.

If you can show me your textbook......i can give more ideas accurately.
參考: it could be wrong

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