plz 幫我將篇文繁譯英 thx 20分

2009-11-19 12:08 am
家蠶(學名:Bombyx mori)是蠶蛾的幼蟲,絲綢原料的主要來源,在人類經濟生活及文化歷史上有重要地位。原產中國北部,主食為桑葉。





回答 (1)

2009-11-19 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bombyxmori is the caterpillar of moth, the source material of silk, has an important standing in the human cultural and economical history. It originates in northern China, its primary diet is white mulberry leaf.

Bombyxmori’s English name is “silkworm” from the fact that it weave its own cocoon by silk. The cocoon is weaved continuously from a single strand of silk in the length of 300-900 meters.

Bombyxmori has a strong appetite. It consumes white mulberry leaves day and night, so it grows very quickly. When their belly turns black means they will be molting. After molting for four times, their body turn pale yellow, their skin hardens, this means they will be wrapping themselves with silk, they turn into pupa inside the cocoon.

If the pupa becomes a moth, it will come out by break the cocoon, the cocoon will be broken, the silk strands will become shortened, and cannot be used for weaving silk cloth. Thus, the cocoon will be put into boiling water to kill the pupa before it becomes mature and break out. This also helps un-strand the cocoon.


Silk cloth, is the textile product weaved from the protein fibre obtained from the silk strands of cocoons of silkworm. Through breading silkworm, then taken its cocoon to be boiled in water before it turns into pupa and take out the silk strand. Each cocoon can take out about 800-1200 meters of silk.


收錄日期: 2021-04-11 01:06:49
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