Does anyone know how to exp.?

2009-11-18 7:20 pm
The van ran over a man . (The man was begging in the street.)
用participle phrases 可以改成
Begging in the street, the man was run over by the van.

那麼如果是The van ran over a man . (The man begged in the street.)
係begged而唔係was begging,咁又應該點rewrite呢?係唔係會一樣?點解呢?

回答 (3)

2009-11-18 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案

The van ran over a man . (The man begged in the street.)
係唔可以改成 Begging in the street, the man was run over by the van.
因為呢個present participle 嘅用法,係講發生緊嘅事, 而(The man begged in the street.) 係以前發生咗嘅事。

可以用 have 嘅 present participle + beg 嘅 past participle 去改成:
Having begged in the street, the man was run over by the van. 咁就解被 van 車倒果個人曾經响條銜乞錢。

參考: myself
2009-11-18 10:30 pm
1那麼如果是The van ran over a man . (The man begged in the street.)

the van ran over a man begging in the street.(begging for object ) Begging in the street, the man was run over by the van.(Begging for sub)

and the meaning of both are the same.i.e.

the van ran over a man begging in the street=Begging in the street, the man was run over by the van.

beg應該意思係懇求。男人被車撞why 會beg?估應解訓係度.
The van ran over a man . (The man was begging in the street.)
呢句句子唔會用continous tense. because not logic.
should use beged.

i.e.the man begged in the street after the van ran over a man(should not use was begging)
參考: me
2009-11-18 9:22 pm
They are the same when you rewrite the last statements.

The van ran over a man . (The man begged in the street.)
Begging in the street, the man was run over by the van.

Present participle phrases begin with a present participle (the -ing form of a verb). They can be used to replace active verbs in simple present, simple past, present continuous and past continuous tense forms.

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