all-dressed pizza??

2009-11-18 6:09 pm
請問all-dressed pizza係咩意思?

回答 (2)

2009-11-18 6:46 pm
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“All-dressed pizza” 應是一種有特定餡料和醬料的薄餅。餡料一般包括青椒、洋葱、蘑菇和蕃茄,然後上面再加上一層芝士。



The Angela Special is far different. Loaded with pepperoni and bacon, this is one salty, meaty, heavy pie. Like any all-dressed pizza, the usuals are there as well: green peppers, onions, mushrooms and tomatoes. Nothing fancy, nothing novel, just a richly topped pizza oozing cheese. The crust is not too thick or overly doughy, but substantial enough to hold up the layer of toppings. The sauce is actually minimal, and on all the pizzas, is an accent to the pizza rather than being a main ingredient.


“The proper Montreal pizza should have the ingredients on the bottom and the cheese on top. You should have your choice of three sizes: small, medium and large. An all-dressed should be the fanciest pizza, and that doesn’t include pineapple or artichokes or any of this Pucking crap that you find on pizza nowadays.”
參考: 網上資源
2009-11-18 11:50 pm
根據 marshmallow 供給的答參考資料,all-dressed pizza 除了青椒,洋葱,蘑菇,蕃茄和芝士,還包括有 pepperoni 同 bacon。
據我所知,各店都有不同,不過大致都是有 青椒,洋葱,蘑菇,蕃茄,芝士 和 pepperoni 的。

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