
2009-11-18 4:35 pm
(2)如不幸地要在2014年才能入境,那麼是否要連續住四年(2014-2018)才可入 籍?屆時RRV過期了,又無法回港,怎麼辦?


回答 (3)

2009-11-23 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案

No, the cut off date on new immigration law does not count on when did you set foot in Australia, nor does it count on when did you get your PR. It counted on when did you apply for Australian Citizenship.

If you cannot lodge australian Citizenship application before July 2010(ie you did not stay in Australia for 2 years, with the last year totally in Australia), you need to have 4 years residence in Australia to claim Citizenship, regardless when you land or when you got your PR.

It translate to this, if you are still in HK today (23 Nov 2009) you must live in Australia for 4 years before you can claim Citizenship no matter what. As you will not be apply to apply Citizenship before 1 July 2010 (That mean you need to be in Australia at least 30 June 2009 to satisify the last year australian residnece requirment)

(2)如不幸地要在2014年才能入境,那麼是否要連續住四年(2014-2018)才可入 籍?屆時RRV過期了,又無法回港,怎麼辦?

You will stay in Australia until you have Australian Passport. Staying in Australia with your PR visa expire does not leads to illegal staying (or overstay). Your PR Visa may be expired but your PR status will never expire


Don't know, one thing for sure, you cannot leave Australia as this is your last RRV......
參考: US, UK, Australia, Sweden Citizens. Wife used to work for DIAC
2009-11-25 12:32 am
Thank you very much for your replies and responses.
I am grateful for all of you!!!
2009-11-18 4:40 pm
你問下香港入境處好d won

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