teenagers drug (250 world)

2009-11-18 2:26 am
In Hong Kong, the number of teenagers caught using drugs has increased a great deal in the past few years.Police say that teenagers as 13 years old are taking drugs.
How can schools help solve problem?Give at least two suggestions.
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回答 (2)

2009-11-18 8:54 am
1.education -seminor to tell them the bad effect about taking drug. invite drug abuser to share opinions abt drug.
2introduce drug-testing plan.it may be a way to know who have taken drug and help those student to go way from drugs.
3.teacher shoude care about more student daily live rather than academic result.
4set up a drug assistance. hotline which student can reveal the suspected drug abuse student or in case some drug abuse student ask for help.
2009-11-18 7:43 am
1. Schools should organize informative talks on drug abuse to all students without targetting any individuals. Theses talks should encourage drug using students to approach teachers and to be redirected to experienced councellors for advice on a confidential basis. Parents of drug using students should not be informed at this point.

2. Schools should handle each drug abuse case individually as the cause of drug use varies for each student. Schools should not have the authority to issue punitive measures for students who are victims and not criminals. Most importantly, find out the reason for drug abuse by encouraging students to voluntarily disclose to their councellors in confidence and thus receive help from experts in this area.

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