A crowd of people??

2009-11-18 2:16 am
A crowd of people in front of me stood suddenly,,it's going to make me 鑑介...

Would you translating above sentences for me..I'd be grateful..

回答 (2)

2009-11-18 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.I was embarrassed when a crowd of people suddenly stood in front of me.
2. A crowd of people suddenly standing in front of me made me embarrassed.

It's going to make me(將會令我.... )的意思. 如果一定要用可咁寫:

It is going to make me embarrassed if a crowd of people suddenly stands in front of me.
2009-11-18 2:24 am
I was embarrassed by the large crowd of poeple that stood in front of me suddenly.

參考: myself

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