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F.4 都唔LATE啦,唔關大陸問題既...好多人在香港出世英文未必好得去邊,都係睇個人架姐.....對了...Listen, read, or watch closely, thinking carefully about the subject.,,,5洗Envy佢地La, you can also become an ace at English ~我想知道+了解你既程度而家點...你明唔明以下內容 WITHOUT CHECKING DICTIONARY? 你估唔估到作者想表達D咩野?反問自己?反復推敲? 如果你明,你就已經好勁,唔會話太差. Use coloured highlighters to help you !
MANABOZHO, THE MISCHIEF-MAKER Adapted from H. R. Schoolcraft
The West told him to banish his fears, and to speak up; no one would hurt him. Manabozho began again, and he would have gone over the same [make-believe] of pain, had not his father, whose strength he knew was more than a match for his own, threatened to [pitch] him into a river about five miles off. At last he cried out: "Father, since you will know, it is the root of the [bulrush]." He who could with perfect ease spin a sentence a whole day long, seemed to be exhausted by the effort of pronouncing that one word, "bulrush."
make-believe (n.) 假裝 when you imagine or pretend that something is real or true:
pitch (v.) 投,擲,扔 to throw something with a lot of force, often aiming carefully:
bulrush (n.) 蘆葦 a tall plant that looks like grass and grows by water(英文有好多野個喎,應該一份整5晒.) 其實我個
做DD EXERCISES就識做架啦..SPEAKING多D同老師CHAT啦....Taking notes helps you to learn and understand. 你學校有冇D咩EXERCISES俾你地做呀?Treat your notes with respect, and store them carefully. 果D都可以用黎做NOTES架。Always use loose-leaf A4 size paper.去學校圖書館AR, MAYBE果度有個喎.我SUGGEST "GRAMMAR IN USE".詳細寄信給我,我俾D NOTES你. 你求其在YAHOO知識+ SEARCH都SEARCh到你想要既學好英文野...UM.咁你覺得果D METHODS岩唔岩你??
你真有上進心呀!恭喜!You can sometimes use very short periods for revision. “獨學而無友,則孤陋而寡聞。”同人交流多D...無論係網上/同學/朋友/家人..ETC..
2009-11-17 23:28:41 補充:
係有好多人都係COPY D心得扮係自已心得,千奇唔好盲從! WARNING!
作下文同睇文章 (閱讀理解) 都好緊要! !
2009-11-17 23:30:41 補充:
寄信俾我,我講多D俾你聽,因為有D documents
2009-11-17 23:37:52 補充:
我覺得意見001RECOMMEND 既書好正,不過對於我黎講.都好EXPENSIVE,我覺得你英文有番咁上下先會想睇NOVELS喎.咁長要狂查字典,同埋F.4都唔係好洗作SHORT STORIES,多數學校係F.4 都係TRAIN 多D ARGUEMENTS果D野.我覺得睇NEWSPAPER對334個考試幫助大D :)