
2009-11-17 10:33 pm
would you like to have a look?
would you like to look?

We can check with other shops.
we can check in other shops.

意思上有何分別? 如兩個意思不同 那麼各自要用在甚麼情況和如何用?

do you have any preference for the choice of the wood? do you have any preference about the choice of the wood?

回答 (2)

2009-11-18 12:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
would you like to have a look? 這裏look 是noun. 你要唔要睇一睇?
would you like to look? 這裏look 是verb. 你要唔要睇?
你看中一個手袋,售貨員問你要唔要睇一睇. 所以是would you like to have a look? 或
Would you like to take a look?
唔會係你要唔要睇Would you like to look.雖然你都明佢講乜,但就好似差咗D嘢.

We can check with other shops. OK
we can check in other shops. 冇聽過有人用check in來形容Shopping.通常係酒店,醫院之類才用.在商店你是選購货品,通常用check out. We can check other shops out.

do you have any preference for the choice of the wood?

do you have any preference about the choice of the wood?

wood 唔需要the
do you have any preference for the choice of wood?

2009-11-22 4:28 am
would you like to have a look?
HAVE A LOOK = 望一望,睇一睇,望下,睇下,睇完知左就得,最多三分鐘果種 eg. 在店子內察看貨物

would you like to look?
LOOK = 望、睇,包括睇好耐果d。句子完全等如「你想不想望?」,注意是「望」不是「望下」,我諗唔倒有咩情況會咁講。

We can check with other shops.
CHECK WITH = 向佢地查看,句子對。

we can check in other shops.
這裏的 CHECK 及 IN 並非一起的,句子等於 we can check, and we will do that in other shops. 於是個 in 不對路,聽來像售貨員特登跑去 other shops 內,留意係內,然後 check。而家無人會咁做,亦無售貨員會咁詳細地講這句說話。所以文法對,但意思不對。

do you have any preference for the choice of the wood?
do you have any preference about the choice of the wood?
我唔敢話錯,但 for 肯定不好,同埋我覺得 about 不好。用 regarding 一定無問題。

回應一樓:wood 係唔駛 the,但亦會有情況適宜在這句中用 the 的。按普通 the 不 the 的 rules 來決定。你對木色有 preference 嗎?你對個木既色有 preference 嗎?兩句均可,用途不同。

另再回應一樓:通常用check out. We can check other shops out.
CHECK OUT 唔係咁意思,係試試某新產品或新方法,看看它如何。

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