Hey guys! What do you think of my covers on youtube?

2009-11-17 3:14 am
>> www.youtube.com/trixiesant <<

I started putting some of my covers on my youtube page. I sing and play acoustic guitar. Please visit and leave comments letting me know what you think :) Oh, and don't forget to rate and SUBSCRIBE!

i just got a macbook pro, so i'm gonna start doing much better covers, harmonizing and doing duets with myself and all that good stuff. so it'd be great to subscribe to get updated on new videos XD
hope you enjoy.

回答 (4)

2009-11-17 9:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
>> Wow , Awesome! I love it and rated 5 stars! Keep working!
2016-10-18 9:12 am
**** you, Miley haters- i like Miley Cyrus! besides, gettin' decrease back to the element: you have have been given a honest few tunin' subject concerns there, yet on the entire, not undesirable! constantly room for progression regardless of the undeniable fact that, cöck. Peace and love! Be fortunate! :)
2009-11-17 3:52 am
I don't wanna log on to my account right now (I'm too lazy lol) but nice!

You're pretty btw. I'll check out some of your videos (I already know a few of the songs on there). Don't forget to check out my channel as well. =D

You're pretty good at guitar. Do you play by ear or do you use tabs?
2009-11-17 3:17 am
I'm sure ur a great singer and player.

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