potassium iodate

2009-11-17 12:49 am

1)after adding zinc and dil sulphuric acid into KIO3
a brown solution and black ppt are formed
a purple gas evolved when heating

2)after adding potassium iodide and dil sulphuric acid
gives a brown solution and a purple gas evolved when heating

3)after adding silver nitrate,forms white ppt
and no observation after adding 0.1M nitric acid


If AgIO3 dissolves in nitric acid,why there is still white precipitates in the solution?



回答 (1)

2009-11-17 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
In an acidic medium, potassium iodate is an oxidizing agent.
Zinc reduces KIO3­ in an acidic medium to give zinc ions and iodine.
5Zn(s) + 2IO3^-(aq) + 12H+(aq) → 5Zn2+(aq) + I2(aq/s) + 3H2O(l)
Iodine dissolves in water to give a brown solution. When iodine is in excess, the undissolved iodine gives a black precipitate. When heated, a purple gas of iodine vapour is formed.

Potassium iodide reduces KIO3 in an acidic medium, and a brown solution of iodine is formed.
5I^-(aq) + IO3^-(aq) + 6H^+(aq) → 3I2(aq) + 3H2O(l)
When heated, a purple gas of iodine vapour is formed.

Potassium iodate solution and silver nitrate solution react to give a white precipitate of silver iodate.
Ag^+(aq) + IO3^-(aq) → AgIO3(s)
or AgNO3(aq) + KClO3(aq) → AgIO3(s) + KNO3(aq)
The silver iodate precipitate redissolves in nitric acid as soluble iodic acid is formed.
AgIO3(s) + HNO3(aq) → AgNO3(aq) + HIO3(aq)

2009-11-16 20:37:38 補充:
The nitric acid used is too dilute (0.1 M). Therefore, AgIO3 ppt still exists.

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