✔ 最佳答案
建築工程學有好幾科, 但additional requirement一樣:
Either: HKALE
Grade E or above in two of the following AL subjects: Physics, Engineering Science, Pure Maths, Applied Maths, or Chemistry
Or: Grade E or above in one of the following AL subjects:
Physics, Engineering Science, Pure Maths, Applied Maths, or Chemistry
Grade E or above in 2 AS subjects:
Physics, Applied Maths, Maths and Statistics, or Chemistry
Forbidden combination:
AL Physics / AL Engineering Science / AS Physics
AL Pure Maths / AS Maths and Statistics
AL Applied Maths / AS Applied Maths / AS Maths and Statistics
如果你符合以上要求就可以報讀. 不過, 以上絕大多數係理科科目, 我諗文科唔會讀多過兩科理科AL, 所以文科唔可以揀.