
2009-11-16 3:24 am
例如你可以在街上大叫大笑時是沒問題的,但如果你地圖書館, 上堂, 這樣的行為就是deviance;
例如你在街上穿著便服是沒問題的,但如果在一些正式的場合內穿著便服, 這樣的行為就是deviance;
例如你在家中和伴侶做一些親密的行為是沒問題的,但如果你在公共地方(如地鐵站)做一些親密的行為, 這樣都是deviance.

回答 (5)

2009-11-16 5:34 am
Deviance is 越軌行為.
Hope it can help you!
參考: Dr.eyes
2009-11-16 4:48 am
For example, you can laugh when you cry in the street is no problem, but if you are in the library, on the Church, such behavior is deviance;
For example, you are dressed in civilian clothes in the street is no problem, but if in some formal occasions dressed in civilian clothes, such a behavior is deviance;
For example, your home and your partner to do some intimate behavior is no problem, but if you are in public places (such as the MTR Station) to do some intimate behavior, so are the deviance

2009-11-15 20:50:12 補充:
deviance ←→ 偏差)
參考: me
2009-11-16 3:45 am
For example you can laugh and shout down the street is OK, but if your library, lessons, such behavior is deviance;
For example you in the street wear casual clothes is OK, but if in some formal occasion wear casual clothes, within such behavior is deviance;
For example, your home and your partner to do some intimate behavior is no problem, but if you in public places (such as the MTR station) to do some intimate behavior, so are deviance.
2009-11-16 3:31 am

Mean :


Is it Right !

參考: My Self OR Else ......
2009-11-16 3:29 am
參考: 牛津字典

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