
2009-11-16 1:14 am
Ex.There are many useful imformations.


回答 (4)

2009-11-16 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1) 可不可以 adj. + adj.
答︰其實是可以的,不過中間一定要有一些如逗號及 and 的字加上去才行。
你那句 example sentence 並不是一個 adj.+ adj.
There are many useful imformations information.
因為 many 並不是一個 adj. 來的。
可行的例子︰This is a wonderful, splendid film that I have ever seen.

Q2) 佔較大的優勢的英文是?
佔較大的優勢 → It has more advantages./ It takes up a larger advantages.

2009-11-15 17:34:38 補充:
Sorry, 我所回答的 advantages 多了個 s,應該是 advantage 才對的。
參考: Yogi
2009-11-16 4:04 pm
Yes you can use adj + adj

But the example you gave is grammatically wrong.
Information is an uncountable noun, just like water, milk, etc.
Therefore, you should not use -are many- and you cannot add -s- to information.

In this case, you could say -There is a lot of useful information- or -There is much useful information-

At a greater advantage

ps: in case you didnt notice, you spelled -grammar- wrong on the topic.

2009-11-16 8:13 am
There are many useful information.
好似2號個位人講啦, 有時係要加comma,
但唔係每次都要加, 加既應該係睇個形容詞形容d咩
如果係單形容一樣野eg. He is a fat, short boy.
(1)明顯兩個adj.係同類型既型容詞, 都係型容人既表面啦so 要加,
or you can consider as
(2)many useful information, many有形容useful 同 information, 兩個意思, 所以唔使加

佔較大的優勢,(我見過好多書都咁寫) →comparative advantages

2009-11-16 00:14:04 補充:
怕你睇唔明 係 comparative advantages , 前面d 亂碼唔知咩事 sor
2009-11-16 1:32 am
many + useful 無問題

佔較大的優勢 = have a great advantage
參考: Me

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