
2009-11-16 12:29 am
可唔可以幫我睇下d文法邊度錯左呀 最好改埋正 唔該晒

Nowadays,the university graduation is very important,because the society is progressing,the present and past are different.In the ago,we needn’t the university education,we can find a good job.
Now,we need the university graduation,we can find a gjob.So I agree the university education is important for Macau youths in finding a good job.
When the higher qualification,we can easy to find a good job.After Macau govemment open gambing industry,many youths go to the casino,they are not the university education,now the casino is already saturated.If you don’t the university education,you will difficult to find a good job.
Although the qualification is very important,the experience is also indispensable,because many job need to have experience.My friend have many experience,but he was graduate from junior middle school,he can find a good job,because he has many experience.
I think the university graduation is very useful,if you want to find a relaxe job,you will need the university education,nowadays,you don’t have academic qualifications,you are difficult find a good job.
I agree the university graduation and experience is very important,many company need some qualification and experience.You don’t have experience is not important,but the qualification is indispensable.So I agree the university education important for Macau youths in finding a good job.

咁未即係要再作過- -

回答 (2)

2009-11-16 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
As the society is improving, it is very important to have a university degree in hand nowadays. In the past, a university degree is not compulsory to find a good job.

As university degrees are the basic requirements for most jobs nowsdays, I agree that the education in university is important for Macau youths.
With the university degree, it is easier to look for a good jobs. Afterall, the Macau gambling industry is already in equilibrium as many young people would be willing to stay in this industry because they don't have enough qualifications. If you don't have a degree in hand, it would be very difficult to look for a job.
Although qualification is very important, experience is also required in certain job fields. For example, although my friend did not finish secondary school, he could still find jobs because he has personal experience in the job.
In my opinion university degree is more important than experience because you can gain experience after you get the job, but within the qualifications, the company may not even hire you so i would say that university education is important for the youths to get a degree.

- can't just change a few words, many of your sentence structure are wrong and some doesn't quite make sense. so i rephrased the passage all over again.
2009-11-16 4:38 pm
都唔係一定要作過. 但作過也無害. 不同程度有不同嘅requirement. 依你的程度不可能要求你寫博士論文. 高手的回覆是給你從中學習. 如果你寫得出就唔使喺度問啦.交比亞sir, 佢都未必信你咁勁啦.


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